Ai Pokémon Cards 3

AI Pokémon Cards 3

Feb 1, 2025

To Design Them Is My Cause

I’m a bit sad this little project is coming to a close, but I had a blast going back down the Diglett hole that is Pokémon!

I learned quite a bit about AI image generation and prompt creation. It is certainly a skill in itself to be able to massage a prompt to get what you need.

Basic Type Pokémon

The basic set is the last one for now, but it’s got some real standouts! I absolutely love Meowth’s stance and background, and although Farfetch’d looks a bit different… his energy is infectious!

Lickitung is about as creepy as you’d expect, both evolved birds are magestic, and Snorlax is just so darn huggable.

AI Pokemon Card Components

Game Components

I couldn’t just do an entire project without adding in some branding and product design. I created the boxes, the coins, the damage markers and the playmat.

Once I created the little Poké Ball symbol, the rest of the product design sort of fell into place. I knew I wanted it all to be dark to showcase the AI art. (kinda the point of the project)

I’m pretty stoked on how the coins came out. That was something I remember quite fondly from the 90’s, so I wanted to use my logo design skills to create something that would fit the vibe.

Blasting Off Again

I had no idea I’d be creating this much content when I set out on my first AI journey, but I think that’s a testament to the power and speed of the tools.

I was able to focus my efforts where I wanted, and AI was able to help me where I lacked. I’m not sure if it’s something I’ll be using a lot of in the near future, but it’s something that would be silly to ignore / fight.

We’re in the age of AI, jump aboard or get left behind.